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"Become like the desert, and welcome its dangers.
Become like its wind, and pass through the sun, unheeding.
Become like its sand, and stifle strength with grit, with pliancy.
Become like its mirage, and turn aside oblivion's blade.
Become the desert, and pass beyond fear."
HTMLText_8EA080B2_9C5F_89B9_41E1_D9AFAEC5C8C7.html =
Those who seek power from eldritch origins oft think little of the consequence. They want more strength, more magic, more… more.
HTMLText_89E4274F_9CA0_88E7_41E1_DCC487F29695.html =
Triumph and disgrace are only a matter of vain perspective, set in place by twisted chance and held by the most easily twisted threads of fate. In the end, there is no other difference between the devourer and the devoured.
HTMLText_8E5FE0B3_9C5F_89BF_41E1_7486753C86ED.html =
These leather gloves are protected with ancient stone plates inscribed with indecipherable runes. When you hit a target with the eldritch blast spell while wearing these gauntlets and roll damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2.
Additionally, while wearing these gauntlets, you can choose to create an additional beam of energy and make an extra attack whenever you cast eldritch blast.
When you roll a 1 or 2 on an attack roll made with this extra beam, you take 3d12 necrotic damage, and until you finish a short or long rest, your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage you take.
This necrotic damage ignores resistance and immunity, and if it reduces you to 0 hit points, you die.

HTMLText_8F0C3775_9CA3_88BA_41D1_ED39AF26117C.html =
This asymmetrical cloak is typically worn by desert nomads in place of more durable armor. Its woven fibers have been enchanted to be like the shifting sand of the desert, shrugging off extraordinary heat and devastating blows.
While wearing the cloak, you have resistance to fire damage, and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. The cloak also has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.
When a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack (but before it deals damage), you can use your reaction to expend 1 of the cloak's charges to force that creature to reroll the attack. It must use the new roll.
HTMLText_8FE3376D_9CA0_88AB_41CC_F7D31BC405DA.html =
While wearing the ring, when a creature that you can see (including yourself) rolls a d20, you can use your reaction to speak the ring's command word and roll a d8.You make this decision after knowing the result of the roll, but before the GM declares the outcome. When you do, you alter the number rolled on the d20, before any modifiers are added to it. You can choose to either add or subtract the number you rolled on the d8 to or from the d20. The d20 is treated as if it had originally rolled the altered number. If the d8 would cause the number rolled on the d20 to be greater than 20 or less than 1, continue to count up or down as though the next number after 20 were 1, or the number below 1 were 20. For example, a creature rolls a 19 on its d20 for an attack roll against you, before any modifiers are added to the roll. You use your reaction to roll a 4 on the d8 and add it to the 19, causing the d20 to be treated as if it had rolled a 3. Once this property of the ring has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
HTMLText_8EA120B1_9C5F_89BB_41C2_1FFAC36A2743.html =

Gauntlets of Eldritch Ferocity
HTMLText_890CE8B1_9CA0_F9BA_41C5_8FC35D6D8AAF.html =
H'rethi Cloak of Shielding
HTMLText_89E7474C_9CA0_88E9_41E1_5872195D2409.html =
Ouroboros Ring
HTMLText_B0986E0F_A8C5_D8B9_41E4_E84B74F28B89.html =
"Become like the desert, and welcome its dangers.
Become like its wind, and pass through the sun, unheeding.
Become like its sand, and stifle strength with grit, with pliancy.
Become like its mirage, and turn aside oblivion's blade.
Become the desert, and pass beyond fear."

This asymmetrical cloak is typically worn by desert nomads in place of more durable armor. Its woven fibers have been enchanted to be like the shifting sand of the desert, shrugging off extraordinary heat and devastating blows. While wearing the cloak, you have resistance to fire damage, and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. The cloak also has 4 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. When a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack (but before it deals damage), you can use your reaction to expend 1 of the cloak's charges to force that creature to reroll the attack. It must use the new roll.
HTMLText_B21CB13D_A8DC_A8D9_41E4_DC85C71E44EF.html =
Those who seek power from eldritch origins oft think little of the consequence. They want more strength, more magic, more… more.

These leather gloves are protected with ancient stone plates inscribed with indecipherable runes. When you hit a target with the eldritch blast spell while wearing these gauntlets and roll damage, you can treat any 1 on a damage die as a 2. Additionally, while wearing these gauntlets, you can choose to create an additional beam of energy and make an extra attack whenever you cast eldritch blast. When you roll a 1 or 2 on an attack roll made with this extra beam, you take 3d12 necrotic damage, and until you finish a short or long rest, your hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage you take. This necrotic damage ignores resistance and immunity, and if it reduces you to 0 hit points, you die.
HTMLText_B0F8D7E8_A8DC_B767_41E0_B94B06A06EED.html =
Triumph and disgrace are only a matter of vain perspective, set in place by twisted chance and held by the most easily twisted threads of fate. In the end, there is no other difference between the devourer and the devoured.

While wearing the ring, when a creature that you can see (including yourself) rolls a d20, you can use your reaction to speak the ring's command word and roll a d8. You make this decision after knowing the result of the roll, but before the GM declares the outcome. When you do, you alter the number rolled on the d20, before any modifiers are added to it. You can choose to either add or subtract the number you rolled on the d8 to or from the d20. The d20 is treated as if it had originally rolled the altered number. If the d8 would cause the number rolled on the d20 to be greater than 20 or less than 1, continue to count up or down as though the next number after 20 were 1, or the number below 1 were 20. For example, a creature rolls a 19 on its d20 for an attack roll against you, before any modifiers are added to the roll. You use your reaction to roll a 4 on the d8 and add it to the 19, causing the d20 to be treated as if it had rolled a 3. Once this property of the ring has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
HTMLText_B2019134_A8DC_A8EF_41B5_6D14E36968E5.html =
Gauntlets of Eldritch Ferocity
HTMLText_BF93954E_A744_A8BB_41C9_E21A90E08138.html =
H'rethi Cloak of Shielding
HTMLText_B0FF07E8_A8DC_B767_41E2_FB68BEE551DD.html =
Ouroboros Ring
## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Treasures of the Dungeon